Here, let's see how MDB works on a regular laptop or desktop computer. We use MPLAB X because it supports a wide range of processors, including 8- and 32-bit processors, is free, and runs on all three major operating systems.

This should allow for a VPL test script to "inject" values into the simulated chip to see if the program that the students write is working correctly. One of the interesting features of MDB is that ability to "stimulate" the chip with signals using SCL. Specifically, I'd like to see if we can use an instance of MDB running on a Linux computer as a backend for a learning management system (LMS) like Moodle providing exercises to students using Virtual Programming Lab (VPL). I'm interested in how we can use the MDB in MPLAB X to simulate processors in a teaching context. This is interesting from the perspective of teaching if we have automatically-graded programming assignments that take the student's program and runs it against a simulated chip in an LMS like Moodle. Microchip's MPLAB X permits simulation from the command line.